Jimmy Jones joins ZARIOT as Head of Security

Jimmy Jones, Head of Security at ZARIOT

The ZARIOT team continues to grow in exciting and critical ways. We are delighted to welcome Jimmy Jones to the team as Head of Security. Jimmy brings his wealth of experience in cybersecurity and telecommunications to securing IoT solutions. 

“For IoT to be truly effective, both security and connectivity are absolutely necessary and truly interdependent,” Jimmy comments.  “Success in digital transformation (especially where mission and business critical devices are concerned) requires not only optimal connectivity and maximal uptime, but also a secure channel and protection against all manner of cybersecurity threats. I’m excited to be part of the team bringing these two crucial pillars of IoT to enterprise. I hope we can demonstrate that security is an opportunity for business – not a burden.” 

Jimmy recognises there is an urgent need for improved security in IoT and believes that connectivity providers have a responsibility to become part of the solution. The real cost of a security breach or loss of service to a critical device could be disastrous for a business of any size, yet is a cost seldom accurately calculated or forecasted by most enterprises at any stage of IoT deployment. A secure connectivity solution addresses both. 

The appointment of Jimmy to this role reinforces ZARIOT’s commitment to continual improvement in IoT security in mobile networks. With Jimmy on board we can be confident that our partners will achieve the most secure solution possible for their business. Welcome Jimmy!

Watch the Hot Telecom HOTShot interview with Jimmy on his first day at ZARIOT to hear some of his thoughts on how bad IoT security really is.

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