How to Meet Sustainability Goals with Cellular IoT

Climate change is one of most pressing issues in modern times. While recent weather events have only brought it closer to the forefront of everyone’s mind. To slow this process, many businesses are leveraging the latest cellular IoT solutions. Helping to enhance energy efficiency, reduce global emissions and establish long-term sustainable business practices.  

Although challenges are complex, here are some actions that taken towards a cohesive energy transition strategy with clear and tangible benefits. 

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In 2016, many countries adopted the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals to preserve the earth’s natural resources and fight climate change

Lowers vehicle emissions 

Through large-scale data collection and analysis, vehicles can promote more efficient driving and safer driving. This data provides rich insights into driver behaviour, routes, gas usage, and more. Consequentially, suggestions can be made for optimized performance and decision making. 

Cellular IoT-enabled traffic management and parking systems can also reduce congestion and emissions from idling vehicles. In-vehicle sensors can also continuously monitor the vehicle’s condition to enable predictive maintenance. This ensures the vehicle is running at peak efficiency and reduces costs associated with equipment failure.

Electric cars produce a third of carbon compared with a normal combustion engine car

Creates energy efficiency 

Renewable energy is one solution that can supply sustainable energy to billions of people. However, some of these assets are often located in rural areas like wind farms, making tracking and maintenance costly and difficult. Additionally, we have to distribute that energy intelligently to prevent outages such as automatically adjusting outputs based on usage data and allow for recovery during emergencies or blackouts.  

With cellular IoT, you can do just that. Smart meters allow for seamless two-way communication between energy suppliers and customers for accurate billing and savings. This extends to use cases such as electric vehicle chargers, residential and commercial electrical meters. Sensors along transmission lines also enable energy suppliers to notice real-time changes in demand or power disturbances for improved distribution.   

Wind power is projected to cater for one third of the planet’s energy needs by 2050

Reduces water waste 

NASA has estimated that certain regions in Africa and the Middle East will face water threats by 2050. Wasted water also contributes to environmental degradation through soil and habitat erosion. Yet, a standard cup of coffee or a single shot of expresso still requires over 140 liters of water to produce.  

Cellular IoT can tackle these issues in several ways. Within agriculture, smart irrigation systems can monitor soil moisture and adjust watering schedules accordingly. Smart water meters can also track water consumption in real time and alarm to indicate a potential leak. Data from usage patterns can drive predictive maintenance to prevent leaks before they occur and save on unnecessary roll outs. 

A faucet that leaks one drop per second can add up to 165 gallons a month

Cuts down food waste 

Did you know that food waste is a major contributor to climate change? According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, food wastage has a carbon footprint that is greater than that of the airline industry!

The primary contributor to food spoilage and waste due to distribution issues. This typically occurs when produce sits out in a field or after harvest in non-optimal temperatures, reducing its shelf life. Sensors along the supply chain from harvest to table can monitor consignment conditions and adjust temperatures accordingly. The World Economic Forum estimates that just tracking alone can reduce food waste by up to 40%.  

When organic matter is landfilled, it decomposes and produces methane gas which contributes to climate change compared to when it is composted and converted into stable soil carbon for high quality fertilizer

Lessens light pollution  

Light pollution wastes energy, disrupts ecosystems and interferes with human health by disrupting sleep patterns. In the U.S., the International Dark-Sky Association estimates that 30% of outdoor lighting is wasted yearly. This in turn releases around 21 million tons of carbon dioxide each year.  

IoT technology in smart lighting system can help control and monitor usage to reduce light pollution and its negative impacts. Within the EU, at scale, this will amount to potential saving of €65 billion, while reducing CO2 emissions by 51 million tonnes. This is sufficient energy to power 55 million electric vehicles for a year. 

Switching global households to energy efficient LED light bulbs would save €105 billion annually

Extreme weather preparation 

Fine-grained data can be used to understand the impacts of extreme weather conditions on health, infrastructure and energy usage. According to the European Environment Agency, a small number of extreme climate events is responsible for a large proportion of the economic losses. In 2021 alone, losses incurred from severe weather such as floods, heat/cold waves, droughts and more amounted to €56.5 billion. The highest losses over the last 30 years. 

Regions in West Yorkshire, England, have been consistently affected by flooding. By harnessing the power of IoT and building a flood sensor network, authorities can provide early warnings and promote quick responses before, during and after the event. They also have access to key insights to improve risk modelling to better anticipate and overcome crises.  

Hurricanes alone cost the United States about $28 billion in damages each year

The bigger picture  

At the end of the day, the transition to energy efficiency takes an integrated approach at all levels of government and society.

On one hand, governments must agree targets on climate policies by introducing carbon reduction and energy saving measures.  

While on a societal level, a well-planned IoT strategy can help stakeholders plan and prepare for extreme weather, climate change and even future regulatory compliance. However, these ambitions are only achievable with a clear, cohesive and actionable plan with achievable goals. 

Take the first step towards sustainability today with customizable, seamless, global IoT solutions. Contact us to speak to one of our industry experts or learn more about it on our resource pages

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