MWC ’22 Interview Series – Chris Swan

What does it mean to Flip the Internet? In this MWC 22 Interview, Chris Swan from The @ Company joins us to discuss privacy in the IoT. Learn how the @ Company and ZARIOT are teaming up to put control of data back in consumers’ hands. What is an @sign? What is the @platform? What has changed in data privacy since the introduction of GDPR? See how these digital privacy pioneers joined forces to solve IoT’s biggest problem.

The @Platform is an end-to-end encryption platform that allows people to be in control of their data, and an @sign is a unique key for every SIM and device. Combined, they offer a place to store data and control who can access it.

Up until now, personal data was stored by service providers and applications. With this new dichotomy, consumers have apps log in to them, rather than them logging into the apps. The user controls what data is accessible and by whom. Data is encrypted end to end, and no one but the device user has the keys.

This is the true future of data privacy- Putting people back in control of their data and getting end-to-end encryption between their apps and their things. The most urgent IoT security concern at the moment is that service providers are creating huge, vulnerable banks of user data which is possibly going to be compromised should those service providers be attacked. If the providers never have that data in the first place, they don’t have to worry about security or over-regulation.

IoT still needs to learn some lessons about privacy. These devices are becoming ubiquitous, and are creating a growing data trail. The question now is, who should see that data trail? Data regulation like GDPR can be much simpler to approach if the user is in control of their own data rather than creating massive stores that are a ticking time bomb of liability.

With the cooperation of ZARIOT and their SIM technology, the @ Company can implement @signs on a global scale and change the narrative for how data is collected, kept, and accessed. Flipping the internet one device at a time.

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