Taking Identity to the Edge (Devices)

When we think of identity, seldom do we extend the concept beyond individuals. But the reality is even organizations have their own unique identity. This helps define what the organization is and how agents behave. In other words, distinct features that distinguish one organisation from another. 

But did you know that the concept of having a unique identity can be applied to the IoT ecosystem and on an even more granular level, each and every IoT device? 

In this article, we explain how and why authenticated identity provides an ideal solution to your overall IoT device security.  

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You wouldn’t open your door to just anyone

Identity as a Solution 

Imagine a stranger at your door asking you to open it, what would you do? Your first reaction would probably be to prove and verify their identity – are they who they claim to be.  

In a similar vein, atsign uses a unique ID for each IoT device. This ID can be a name, number, or combination of characters, & it supports the ID with cryptographic evidence. What this means is that any device can securely and confidently communicate directly with another solely using the atsign identity. If the ID is incorrect, the device simply does not respond. 

This simple premise allows you to quickly verify if the device you’re communicating with is the intended recipient and vice versa. Additionally, this unique ID is network agnostic which means it can always be used to contact the device, regardless of its location or network connections type. 

Identity as Enhanced Security 

Using the atsign protocol and its unique ID, the device only has to connect once. Thereafter, it passively listens to its individual microservice until it needs to communicate.  

This renders every device invisible to hacker port scans because it doesn’t listen or react to communication on any other ports. It is essentially cyber-undetectable and can covertly work and communicate while remaining concealed. 

Through their partnership with ZARIOT and the leveraging of GSMA IoT-Trust standards, atsign has taken security even further by implementing their unique ID solution on the cellular SIM as a Root of Trust (RoT). Atsign also securely embeds privacy encryption keys and ID in the SIM at point of manufacture. Thus ensuring a closed loop on end-to-end encryption. 

As IoT deployments continue to scale to tens of thousands of devices, these measures will protect your IoT fleet from increasingly sophisticated bad actors. 

According to Thales Data Threat report, more than 1/3 of organizations experienced a data breach in the past 12 months

Identity as Cost Effective 

Not only has this cutting-edge solution warranted 48 patent applications in just 3 years, but it is also highly adaptable and cost effective.  

By utilizing open-source software, you have full control over how and when to adapt the code to suit your evolving needs. 

Moreover, the solution does not require VPN setups, static addressing, NAT transversal, or port mapping. Significantly reducing configuration and administrative efforts that are time consuming and costly. 

Finally, the atsign platform also addresses any device, legacy IT, OT, or IoT. Establishing a security overlay on your existing IT estate while also incorporating new diverse devices. Equipping you with a simple, but growing umbrella of addressability and security now and in the future. 

Parting thoughts 

Atsign and ZARIOT ensures global addressability, while providing award winning levels of security. Allowing solution owners to build trust and maintain control of their IoT fleet, without additional investment and administrative costs. 

Why wait? Reach out to one of our industry experts today to schedule a one-on-one meeting and let us help you find an ideal IoT connectivity solution for your own deployment needs. 

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