The Pinnacle of Security Evolution

ZARIOT, in partnership with Kigen and Atsign, shortlisted in World Communications Awards 2022 

The World Communication Awards (WCA) have been the benchmark of telecom excellence for more than 20 years. The awards have evolved to recognise major trends and technologies, with categories revised every year to ensure ongoing relevance to the rapidly evolving communications ecosystem.  ZARIOT, together with Kigen and Atsign, are excited to be shortlisted for the ‘Cyber Security Award’ at the World Communication Awards 2022.

The Cyber Security Award celebrates the best solutions for detecting cyber-attacks and mitigating their business impact, and for driving efficiency into cybersecurity operations through an innovative approach. The ZARIOT entry, ‘Empowering End-to-End IoT Ecosystem Security’ describes our IoT Trust solution developed in partnership with Kigen and Atsign, which innovates data privacy through SIM-based peer-to-peer (application to application) encryption of all IoT and M2M data. The innovative Atsign security technology, tightly integrated with the connectivity and SIM expertise of Kigen, extends the security model to include true end-to-end encryption of IoT data by incorporating the open-source atPlatform, using the SIM as a root of trust, and shifting control of the data to the data owner.  

ZARIOT has also patented a unique anti-IMSI catcher, and our pioneering capabilities in custom SIM applets, along with a focus on security, bring additional functionality, efficiency, and security to IoT devices. Without fully integrated security solutions across all parts of an IoT deployment, enterprises may leave themselves vulnerable to attacks and liability. The success and velocity of IoT in most sectors depends largely on public trust and a reliable, virtuous risk to benefit ratio. End-to-end security not only protects against attacks and data breaches, but can drive successful IoT deployment. ZARIOT is committed to IoT connectivity security through innovation. Security is continually developing and perpetually evolving is the only option for enterprises to maintain maximum protection.  

Congratulations to all the other shortlisted entries! The winner will be announced on 1 November. Wish us luck! And find out more about IoT Trust by downloading the white paper. 

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