The fourth industrial revolution is upon us. Millions of devices are coming, yet the networks they rely on are not safe, and few even know the danger. Cellular connectivity needs a hero to protect IoT devices and data from the countless nefarious foe faced by enterprises trying to do business honestly and safely implement digital transformation.

In the world of IoT security, connectivity is taken for granted, but here – danger looms. ZARIOT protects IoT and M2M devices not only over mobile infrastructure, but also over IP. Robust security is needed to safeguard data on it’s journey from devices through the cellular network and finally to data centers. VPN is not enough. Encryption is not enough. Devices can still be attacked, removed from the network, eavesdropped, or worse. Who will connect us? Who will protect us? ZARIOT secures IoT cellular connectivity.

ZARIOT restores order to what is becoming connected chaos by bringing unrivalled security, control and quality of service to IOT. This means partnership level support for the lifetime of your devices. This means the highest quality of service available. This means real security for cellular connectivity.   

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