Global deployments

Don’t deploy blindfolded: ZARIOT’s Remote Access Testing Module (RATM)

You wouldn’t buy a phone blindfolded, so why should you deploy your IoT devices into the field without proper network testing?   While IoT deployments are becoming more affordable, it still requires significant planning, resources and coordination to ensure devices … Read More

New GSMA Standard for IoT Further Unlocks eSIM Potential

In May 2023, the GSMA released details of the new eSIM standard for IoT devices (SGP 0.32). We highlight some of the key details and how it will support the next wave of mass IoT deployments. … Read More

Key Factors for a Successful Global IoT Deployment

IoT utilizes many different assets and resources to fully realize its global potential. Yet, achieving a successful global IoT deployment is a complex process. One that includes consideration of connectivity, devices, data analytics, and more. After all, according to Microsoft, … Read More

The Role of an IMSI in Cellular IoT

Cellular IoT deployments are on the rise as industries continue to turn to cost effective ways to ensure robust and secure connectivity with devices in the field. In this article, we break down what an IMSI is, and the vital role it plays in Cellular IoT connectivity and security. … Read More